
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Forexpress | Now or Never: 3 months to save Euro

George Soros, the man behind the famous Quantum Fund, had made an announcement during the Festival of Economics in Trento, Italy that Europe has only three months left to save the Euro from falling in the edge. As we all know that Euro's value had been declining for a long time now. There had been several theories of the decline but it seems overspending was one of the main reason. The European debt crisis seems to be amplified by the overspending of European governments especially after the 2008 financial crisis.

The famous investor-billionaire thinks that the EU summit, which is planned out for the end of June, would be only limited to temporary measures. According to him, in order to save Euro, it is necessary to create bank deposit insurance to stop mass deposit outflow from the banks, which can be observed with peripheral countries of the EU. Besides, it is necessary to provide European banks with direct financing from ESM, which would start working in the middle of summer 2012. Soros emphasized that all these measures should be combined with the implementation of all-European control and regulation instrument.

“It is necessary to ease the financial burden for the countries with the biggest debts. It can be reached in different ways, however, they all demanded active German Federal Bank and FRG participation. Nothing can be reached without German support,” he then mentioned that, “The euro's chance of survival is very high as its crash will have negative effects not only on peripheral countries but also on Germany,”.

For the full article:

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